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“No Pain, No Gain” True or Just a Fitness Myth



Man after workout

“No Pain, No Gain” True or Just a Fitness Myth

For some, it is clear that the greater the pain, the bigger the gain. For others, however, mottos like “no pain, no gain” or “only the strong survive” don’t really mean much. Is it really true that training has to hurt to be effective?

As so often, this question cannot be answered by a simple yes or no. We have taken a closer look at four areas — weight loss, strength training, stretching and improved running performance — and would now like to show you how much truth there is to the saying “no pain, no gain.”

1. Weight loss

If you want to lose weight and shed a few extra pounds, then one thing is essential: a negative energy balance. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Thus, the best training sessions for you are ones that burn lots of calories. Total body training with your own body weight or interval running are two types of training well-suited for melting fat. While it is true that you burn more calories at higher intensities, it is certainly not necessary to push yourself to your pain threshold or beyond.

Note: Pain is your body’s way of warning you. Problems with your passive musculoskeletal system (joints, cartilage, ligaments and tendons) are almost always due to incorrect loading or overloading. Even sore muscles should not be taken lightly. Very hard training sessions or new, unusual movements can cause tiny tears in the muscles, known as microtrauma. If your muscles are very sore, you should definitely avoid doing any intense workouts. Give your body enough time to recover and only then start up with your training again.

2. Strength training

The motto No pain, no gain” is particularly popular in strength training.

And there is some truth to it if your goal is to build muscle. Generally speaking, your body requires a training stimulus big enough to cause your body to adapt. In other words, you need to get your body out of its comfort zone (homeostasis) in order to set the adaptation process in motion.

If you do one Push-up a day, you are not going to put on muscle. The training stimulus is too low. However, if you do a proper strength training workout twice a week over a longer period of time with enough Push-ups to fatigue your muscles, your body will be forced to adapt and improve itself. Experienced bodybuilders often exercise until complete muscle failure and thus optimize their adaptive responses. But these fitness enthusiasts also make sure to give their muscles plenty of time to recover before attempting their next strength training session.

Note:  Exercising until complete muscle failure is very effective, but it is only recommended for experienced bodybuilders. Instead, you should concentrate on performing the exercise properly. As soon as you are no longer capable of performing the movement correctly, you should stop the set. This way you can minimize the risk of incorrect loading and overloading.

3. Stretching

During their careers, professional gymnasts or circus contortionists have certainly done some stretching exercises that have pushed them to their pain threshold and perhaps beyond. But, lucky for us, not everyone has to be able to put their leg behind their head 🙂

The basic rule is to stretch only until you feel mild tension. In no case should you feel pain. The same goes for joint mobilization exercises.

4. Improve your running performance

If you think that the only way to get faster is to run every time to the point of collapse, you are seriously mistaken.

Of course, runners who are preparing for a specific race and want to improve their personal best have to incorporate some pretty hard runs into their training. These can be really painful, but even professional runners don’t do many of these killer workouts. The important thing for novice and recreational runners is to build up a good base fitness level. The better your base fitness level, the more intense you can make your running training.

Bottom line

No pain, no gain” only applies to exceptional situations and sometimes in competitive sports. While it is generally true that very hard training is needed in most areas to achieve big training gains, pain should always be avoided. It is important that you listen to your body and not ignore signals like pain. If you give yourself the time you need to recover, you will be able to enjoy working out without pain for a long time to come.

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Yesterday and Today

The entire fitness industry is changing rapidly. Yes, there are still a new detoxes, cleanses, weight loss pills, or exercise gadgets promising EFFORTLESS weight loss. 




The entire fitness industry is changing rapidly. Yes, there are still a new detoxes, cleanses, weight loss pills, or exercise gadgets promising EFFORTLESS weight loss. 

They are promoted across social media feeds, using ads that always appear too good to be true.  Typically, they also use “doctor” and “celebrity” endorsements trying to enhance credibility.  My purpose is not to discourage you. Instead, I hope to enlighten and encourage you. It may also save you some disappointment when you don’t end up looking like the fitness model on that supplement bottle.

Mainstream lifestyle

Although transformations take work, time, and dedication, they are happening. Fitness is transitioning from a small subculture of passionate enthusiasts to a mainstream lifestyle. People are steadily reversing Americas’ couch-potato ways.   When it comes to wellness, it’s more than just a routine, it’s a lifestyle.  The numbers say it all.  According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry is a $3.7 trillion business. It grew 10.6 percent from 2013 to 2015, and is expected to grow 17 percent over the next five years.



The “Yesterday” look of fitness from the Jane Fonda era.


The recent popularity of easy-to-access group fitness, community walking classes and wearable technology (i.e. the Apple Watch) suggests that individuals today don’t just want to go to a gym to sweat.   It seems that they want to incorporate unique, fitness experiences into their daily lives.  People of all ages are now enjoying fitness for the social benefits as much as the health outcomes.  With a major shift towards mindfulness and time-efficient training, the fitness industry has been changing on a global scale.


Transformation of exercise into daily life

Break up the monotony

Exercise can seem boring when only focusing on anatomical and physiological outcomes.   However, sports-conditioning classes provide us with performance-based outcomes that make the exercises more engaging and fun.  Today’s active-lifestyle fitness is unlike yesterday’s walk on the treadmill. Kickboxing is a great form of exercise and, because of the many advantages, it is a popular fitness regimen today.  Because we are living with incredible amounts of stress in our lives, hitting a bag or throwing forceful air punches using the force of our whole bodies is an amazing release.  This is one reason boxing is the “knock-out” workout of the year! Or, you might want to break up the monotony of jazzercise or spinning classes with a hiking workout.  Certainly, the variety will help put different muscles to work, boost cardio, and burn some fat.


The innovative technology of 2018 has brought us to virtual reality workouts. Treadmills that seamlessly connect to a game.   This allows you to run, pivot, jump and crouch while wearing sneakers that wirelessly interact with sensors on the treadmill.  It automatically measures your steps and calories, allowing you to track how hard your body’s working (while your mind is busy chasing bad guys!). The introduction of VR fitness means that you can go for scenic runs, travel the world, and compete in global events without ever leaving your living room.

Easier and more practical

The 1960’s was the era of the “crewneck sweatshirt”.  The ultimate ’60s fitness look was mid-thigh shorts, a cotton tee or tank, and a gray sweatshirt. This no-frills outfit was perfect for pumping iron. Today, as part of the active-lifestyle mindset, athletic designs favor a more minimalist look that can go anywhere. Hence, the fabric and fit of fitness clothes has become indistinguishable from typical street wear. The ability to exercise has become easier and more practical.

Benefits from physical activity are not restricted to exercise performed in the gym.  In fact, one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health may be through increasing the amount of low-intensity physical activity you perform throughout the day. Exercise is no longer a curse word!  Fitness and an active, healthy lifestyle represents the new Transformation. We are transforming the way we think about exercise and fitness. As a result, it no longer has to be dreadful, but an uplifting, fun lifestyle!


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Maximize the growth of the triceps without damaging your joints

This training will help you prepare properly, train at your highest level and minimize any risk to those important joints in the mid-arm. You are seeing a time commitment of around 30 minutes and you can complete this exercise as part of your arm workout or after a group of pushing muscles such as your chest or shoulders.




Since the triceps make up the majority of the upper arm and are involved in a lot of pressure actions, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of training them hard with heavy weight and reckless abandonment.

This training will help you maximize the size of your triceps and, at the same time, minimize the impact and load that could disturb your elbows.

The problem is that in the course of many training sessions, you have a greater risk of annoying pains or even serious injuries in the elbows. If your elbows suffer, you run the risk of not being able to train as best you can, of losing the hard earned muscle and of the general problems that can also affect your life outside the weight room.

This training will help you prepare properly, train at your highest level and minimize any risk to those important joints in the mid-arm. You are seeing a time commitment of around 30 minutes and you can complete this exercise as part of your arm workout or after a group of pushing muscles such as your chest or shoulders.

Single Arm Cable Extension – 3 sets of 20, 15, 10 reps per arm.

The movements of the cables are better to isolate a muscle group and heat it because the movement is restricted, it has tension throughout the range of motion and its joints can produce synovial fluid that acts as a lubricant.

Whichever arm is weakest is the one you should start with. Perform 20 repetitions with each arm while controlling the speed at which you raise. Focus only on contracting the muscle and do not let the weight be a big concern. Once you finish with the first arm, repeat with the other arm and rest for 60 seconds before starting again. Add weight with each set as the repetitions decrease.

Close Grip Bench Press – 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps.

The shoulder blades should be retracted and pulled so that your chest can protrude higher. This also helps to minimize shoulder involvement so you can concentrate more on the triceps.

Keep your grip around the width of your shoulders so you do not put any tension on your wrists. When you lower the bar to your chest, stop at the bottom for a second. This eliminates the impulse and makes the triceps work harder. After that brief pause, press up as high as you can until your arms are close to blocking. Do not block them completely! Keep that tension in the muscles. Add weight after each series and rest for 90 seconds between sets.

Lying Rolling Dumbbell Triceps Extension – 3 sets of 10 reps.

You probably know them as “skull grinders or crushers”. You can do them on the floor or in a bank. The differences with these are that you are using dumbbells instead of a bar and you will allow the dumbbells to roll back behind you as you lower them. They should go around your shoulders and then roll them back as if you were trying to touch the floor. Go as far as you can and do not try to force the stretch. Once you have rolled them back, wind them again and press them to the length of the arms. Squeeze the triceps as hard as you can before lowering them again. Stick with a weight that will force you to work, but not to fail. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.
Kneeling Rope Pressdown – 3 sets of 15 reps.

The only difference between these and the standing version is that you’re on your knees which decreases your ability to use momentum. That makes your triceps work harder which is what we want at the end of the workout. We’ve also went back to a cable exercise for the same reasons we started, isolation and less toll on the elbows.

Spread that rope apart at the bottom as much as you can. Don’t forget to turn your wrists so you can maximize that contraction. Slowly let the rope back up but don’t let your upper arms come up with them. Lock them into your sides. Use the same weight each set and rest for 45 seconds in between. They’ll burn at the end but that’s what we want. 6 weeks on this program will help you see improvement in the triceps without any extra toll on the elbows.

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The Front Squat vs. The Back Squat



Which is the King for Mass, While Minimizing Injury?

Developing strong, muscular legs requires you to perform a key exercise, the Squat. In the past, the traditional back squat was the bread and butter of all training programs. The problem is many athletes and competitors do not perform the back squat correctly, hence causing injuries that hinder their use of this proven exercise.

EXAMINING THE “BACK SQUAT” To perform the Back Squat effectively, you must have good shoulder external rotation to be able to place the bar in the correct low position. Many athletes who lack this mobility, place their hands wide on the bar, which causes your scapula to change position, ultimately leading to a rounding position of your spine. An additional problem performing the back squat is the “forward lean”. This causes your paraspinal muscles to become relaxed, because they are stretched and now causes excessive stress on your spine. Ultimately, it can risk vertebral disk damage.

 My favorite bar to use with the front squat is the yolk bar or cambered bar if your gym has one. Performing the front squat allows you to maintain an upright position, placing less strain on your spine and requires less or no use of your shoulders, except to hold the bar across the front of you. The front squat is an EXCELLENT movement to get bigger, stronger quads–probably the best exercise there is. Because your position is more upright, it emphasizes the quads more. Another good quality about front squats is the form is self correcting: If you’re not straight enough you’ll drop the bar… if you’re not holding the bar right you’ll drop it… if you don’t keep your elbows up you’ll drop it. It’s an exercise that pretty much forces your form to be good. Because you’re holding the weight in front of your body, and you must remain upright; your entire core gets a great workout trying to stabilize the weight and keeps you upright.

The benefits of this exercise don’t end with your legs. In general, squats create an overall anabolic environment in the body that maximizes gains from other exercises in your routine; squats have been long used as an effective training method in just about all sports. Squats involve a large muscle group and require a tremendous amount of energy to trigger the release of extra testosterone and growth hormone in the bloodstream. This powerful exercise is exactly what you need to develop strength and power, which will have a direct effect on your testosterone levels and fat burning potential.

 You can squat till you drop, but if you don’t have what the body needs, you’re just wasting your time. Always supply your body with a pre-workout supplement; the consumption of a pre-workout supplement delays the fatigue while increasing the muscular endurance and reaction time. My personal choice is Infinite Labs. Juggernaut. HP; it offers a unique creatine blend along with other patented ingredients. The HP represents cutting edge technology in the Nitric Oxide category. A product containing nitric oxide producing ingredients is one of the fastest, easiest and most effective ways to start seeing massive gains of lean muscle mass, with little to no side effects and numerous benefits to your bodybuilding routine and overall health. Juggernaut. HP also includes Agmatine, the new and more effective supplement to increase the Nitric Oxide production. There is no better “PUMP” out there.

Barbell Squat - Muscle Media Magazine

If using a yolk bar or cambered bar, position the bar as close as possible to your neck to minimize forces pushing you forward causing rounding of your spine.

Choose a stance that is comfortable to you, or vary between feet shoulder width and a wide stance every other workout.

Attack the bar, approach the bar every set as if you have no weight on it!

Once holding the bar, generate power throughout your entire body, starting with locking your muscles in from ground up.

Stay in an upright position (keeping your chest up).Descend in a controlled manner, and then drive out of the hole with explosiveness.

Never sacrifice reps for form, consequences can lead to injury!

JONATHAN C. GULLETT, MARK D. TILLMAN, GREGORY M. GUTIERREZ, AND JOHN W. CHOW Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

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