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Since ages, Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties, which help in fighting several ailments. This happens due to the presence of Allicin, an active component, which is responsible for its germ killing ability. Allicin and other nutrients in garlic like Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, make garlic a great anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and an immunity boosting anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory ingredient. Loaded with phytonutrients and other disease-fighting components, black garlic has double the nutrients, which happens after the fermentation process. However, black garlic has low Alicin, but is loaded with other antioxidants and nutrients. Of course, with a distinctive taste and texture, which make it easy to consume.
The fermentation of raw garlic, restores the nutrients and reduces the strong flavour and smell of garlic, which makes it easy to consume and makes it way more healthy than regular garlic. Loaded with antioxidants, black garlic is great for health as it helps in fighting the free radicals and prevents oxidative damage, which leads to several diseases. This makes black garlic a great food to keep diseases like cancer at bay.
According to health experts, the antioxidants and nutrients present in black garlic can effectively lower the triglycerides level in the blood and manage sugar as well as help in managing weight.


🧄Mash some cloves with some soy sauce and chilli for an alternative stir-fry sauce.
🧄 Combine cloves with cream cheese and herbs for a tasty dip.
🧄 Puree some cloves with oil to create a paste then smear onto chicken or fish before roasting.
🧄 Add some cloves to Bolognese or Chilli to enhance flavours.
🧄 Slice thinly and use to top salads.
🧄 Add to cheese on toast for a special twist.
🧄 Dip into melted dark chocolate for a sweet taste sensation
🧄 Pop the delicious cloves straight in your mouth!
🧄 Use it in your own culinary experiments


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